

One Belmont Avenue mansions sold to a Chinese student last year

编者按: 卑诗省的贝尔蒙特大道地带宽敞,四面环山。该条大街上豪宅丛生,是卑诗省地价最高的地段。 毫不奇怪,该大道上的豪宅都是在加拿大最著名且富有的上层人士之间进行买卖交易,而豪宅的主人多是著名的慈善人士,高级银行家及企业家。但去年的一笔买卖交易却爆出冷门,让人惊诧不已。贝尔蒙特大道一栋$3100万的豪宅卖给了一名叫做田雨州(Tian Yu Zhou)的中国学生!

Editor's Note: Occupying spacious land and surrounded by scenic mountain views, Belmont Avenue is covered by luxury mansions and is the most valuable residence in B.C. Unsurprisingly, high-end properties on the street have changed hands between the prominent wealthy elite in Canada -- from well-known philanthropists to prominent bankers and entrepreneurs – except for one notable transaction last year. The registered buyer of a $31 million-dollar property on the street was a student with a Chinese name “Tian Yu Zhou”.



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