

What promises made by Ontario PC in transit, family, taxes, car insurance?
来源: Bob Mok
安省保守党党领彭建邦(Patrick Brown)

The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario finally unveiled its election platform on Nov 25, 2017. For the first article on this subject, please click http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/662867


While there are 5 core promises in the “People's Guarantee”, there are also 147 other supplementary promises. Let us look at some of the most relevant ones in each area:


如果上台, 保守党将支付地铁系统的维修费用。TTC仍将保留全部车票收入,并拥有和经营公共汽车、有轨电车线路。彭建邦的保守党政府将承担多伦多目前有争议的士嘉堡地铁线路10个亿的兴建费用,这样多伦多可以不用花这10个亿建地铁, 而是把这笔钱用在兴建贯穿多伦多的轻轨线路上,并 把线路延伸到多伦多大学士嘉堡分校。此外,保守党政府将接管多伦多的地铁基础设施,并投资50亿来扩建地铁线路。

A PC Provincial Government would cover maintenance costs for subway stations, though the TTC would still keep the fare box revenue and own and operate surface bus and streetcar routes. Brown’s government would also assume the city’s current $1-billion commitment for the controversial Scarborough subway, freeing up that municipal cash to extend the Eglinton Crosstown light rail transit line to the University of Toronto’s Scarborough campus. Furthermore, the province would take over the city's subway infrastructure and spend $5-billion expanding subway lines.

保守党的另一个承诺是在GO通勤列车上提供稳定的, 免费上网服务。我总是纳闷,为什么在公交车上和地铁里不提供此类服务?在香港这样的世界级大都市,这些服务要么免费, 要么可以购买。

Another promise would be free, reliable, consistent Wi-Fi services on GO Trains. I have to wonder – why not do this for the buses and the areas inside subway tunnels too? In a world-class city like Hong Kong, these services are available either free or by subscriptions.


因Hydro One私有化而分得的股息中的一部分将退给电力用户。加上其他的节约措施,保守党将在安省自由党政府降低电费25%的基础上再降12%。很明显,自由党政府靠借钱来降低电费的措施已经是生米做成了熟米饭。另外, 如果上台,保守党政府也会立即取消电费账单中的智能电表费用。

The Government's portion of the dividends from the privatization of Hydro One will be rebated to electricity users. Together with other saving measures, Hydro Bills will be lowered by an extra 12% on top of the 25% average reduction that the Ontario Government is already implementing. It is obvious that the Liberal's borrowing of money to reduce the Hydro Bills is irreversible. The smart meter charges will also be removed from the Hydro Bill immediately by a PC Provincial Government.

安省保守党将实施一项新的托儿退款政策, 即报销父母用于支付家庭托儿费用的75%(每名儿童每年最高报销费用6750元)。保守党政府将为婴幼儿和学龄前儿童提供10万个托儿名额,。这些托儿所都必须有执照。另外, 保守党将为所有自闭症儿童服务提供资助。虽然保守党没有提供这笔拨款的详细资料,但它将不同于自由党最近公布的, 一个令人沮丧, 有许多条条框框的拨款计划。

A new Ontario child care refund will be introduced to pay up to 75% of a family's childcare expenses (up to $6750 per child).  The Government will build 100,000 licensed childcare spaces for infants, toddlers, and preschool children. Funding for all children with Autism will be provided. Details of this funding are not given but they are meant to be different from the very restrictive and regulated funding scheme recently released by the Liberals after a public outcry on the previous program.

儿童参加艺术和体育活动的退税政策也将恢复。这个政策于2017年3月被联邦自由党取消。保守党将拨款1.24亿用于建设娱乐基础设施,以促进体育活动和健康的生活方式。另外, 伺候老人的抵税额度将增加一倍。

The Children's Art and Fitness tax credit will be returned. This credit was cancelled by the Federal Liberals in March of 2017. Funding of $124 million will be provided for recreational infrastructure to promote physical activity and healthy living. The caregiver tax credit will be doubled.


保守党将把安省销售税每人的免税额增加到100元。最低所得税的税率将降低10%。这等于将中产阶级的所得税税率降到22%。理论上说, 人们在所得税上省下的钱会用于消费, 有利经济的发展。

The Ontario Sales Tax credit to be increased by $100 per person. Income taxes for the first tax bracket to be reduced by 10%. For middle class income tax bracket, the reduction will be 22%. Lowering income taxes will supposedly put money back into the economy through consumer spending.



Business taxes to be reduced by an additional 28.5%. The government to create a tax holiday and local infrastructure fund to attract and create jobs. To provide a competitive and stable electricity system for businesses to move to or stay in Ontario. Loans for tool programs to be doubled and access to apprenticeships to be improved upon.

对于那些拿政府资助项目的公司,如果他们离开安省,或不履行资助承诺,他们将被罚款。保守党政府将取消那些不合理的条条框框, 承诺如果立下一个新规定, 一定会取消两条旧规定。所有这些都是努力都是吸引负责任的商业投资者来安大略省投资。

Companies who take advantage of government programs then leave Ontario or fail to meet their commitments to be penalized.  The Government to reduce red tape by eliminating two regulations for every new regulation introduced. All of these are efforts to attract responsible business investors to come to Ontario.

目前实施的“清洁驾车”计划对保护环境没有任何作用, 将被取缔。这包括汽车,小型货车,越野车和皮卡车。保守党将实行500元的冬季轮胎的抵税政策。将实施新法, 禁止保险公司在保费上的地域歧视。另外,保险公司也不能通过在省内其他地区的保费提高来补偿这一政策所丢失的保费。当然,我们也许会怀疑,省府将有多大的能耐对私人拥有的保险公司如何做生意指手画脚。自由政府目前在如何控制汽车保费这个问题上完全失败。

The current “Drive Clean” program which is not providing real benefits for the environment will be eliminated. This covers cars, mini-vans, SUV's and pick-up trucks. A $500 winter tire tax credit will be introduced. Legislation to be introduced to eliminate geographic discrimination for insurance companies. They will also not be allowed to raise rates on other parts of the province to compensate for this policy. However, we may question whether a provincial government can exercise any real influence over how the private insurance business is operated. The Liberal government already showed us how they failed miserably in that regard.


Next week, we will continue to look at the details of PC election promises.



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