
下周重要新闻推荐 17-12-30

国外买家多伦多大手笔购房 绝大部分来自中国
Foreign buyers paying 50 per cent more for properties in GTA

拥有雄厚财务资源并具有强大购买力的外国买家,特别是那些来自中国的买家,将目光投向GTA的豪华物业。 他们出价阔绰,并频频在竞标战中取胜,将当地买家从高端社区挤入二线市场,使房市受到价格升高的连锁效应,而各价格段买家也因此不断受到房市冲击。
With vast financial resources and a strong purchasing power, foreign buyers -- mostly from China -- set their sights on luxury properties in the GTA. Making outsized offers and winning bidding wars, they prized affluent local buyers out from high end communities into second tier markets, leaving buyers at all rungs of the property ladder facing ripple effects of rising prices.

根据政府数据显示,最近数月来,外国买家以高出当地居民50%的价格购置物业,而绝大多数买家来自中国大陆。 这一现象加剧了业内人士对外国资金的担忧,认为外国买家是多市价格飙升的主要因素。
Foreign investors pay 50 per cent more on GTA properties than the locals in recent months, and the overwhelming majority of them were Chinese -- according to the government data, bolstering concerns that foreign investments play a key role in driving up housing market in the city.




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