

Apotex创始人Barry Sherman和他太太Honey Sherman与12月15日被发现死于其北约克豪宅。他们的颈部纷纷被男人皮带勒住,并被绕在室内游泳池的扶手上。这对亿万富翁的离奇死亡让世人惊栗,并很快成为媒体关注焦点。在他们尸体被发现的当天,警方表示这是一起他杀-然后自杀案件,但Sherman家人对此予以强力否认。Sherman夫妇的子女决定摆脱警方,雇佣了一批私人侦探调查父母的死因。私人调查小组上周惊人的宣布了其调查结论,称Sherman夫妇是一起雇佣杀人案的目标牺牲品,是双重谋杀案的被害者。
With men’s leather belts wrapping around their necks and looping over a low railing that surrounds their indoor pool, Barry Sherman, the found of Apotex and his wife Honey Sherman were found dead in their North York mansion on Dec. 15. The sudden deaths of the billionaire couple has instantly gone viral and made it to the media headlines. On the day the bodies were discovered, the police released a murder-suicide theory, which the Sherman family has vehemently denied. Taking matter into their own hands, Shermans’ children have hired a private team to solve the mystery of their parents’ deaths. In a shocking revelation last week, the investigation team concluded that the Shermans were victims of double murder, a killing that had the appearance of a contract hit.

在私人调查组做出上述结论后,经过6个星期的搜查,多伦多警方的破案组长与周五宣布,他们肯定了私人调查小组的结论,认为 Sherman 夫妇的确双双死于谋杀。
In the wake of investigators’ findings and after six weeks of searching, the lead investigator from the Toronto police said that they believe Barry and Honey Sherman were the victims of targeted attack and a double homicide. 




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