

Barry Sherman’s cousin fails lie detector test over allegations of plot to kill wife
来源: 大中报 王飞
在警方披露亿万富翁舍曼夫妇为双重蓄意谋杀案的受害者之后,案情又有了出乎意料的新进展。一位名叫凯瑞•温特(Kerry Winter)的人进入公众视线,他就是受害人巴里•舍曼(Barry Sherman)先生的表弟,性情暴躁、嫉妒心强并有吸毒前科的温特向加拿大广播公司(CBC)爆料,90年代末期,做为药商高管的巴里•舍曼曾两次指派他做掉自己的妻子,而且他在20多年前就曾准备为舍曼买凶杀妻。温特的指控似乎很符合警方在早期调查中做出的舍曼夫妇死于谋杀-自杀案情分析。

In the wake of the police revelation that the Shermans were victims of a targeted double homicide, the case has taken another surprising twist.  Kerry Winter, an angry, aggressive and bitter cousin of Barry Sherman with a history of drug addiction, told CBC that Sherman asked him to arrange the killing of the pharmaceutical executive's wife on two occasions in the late 1990s, and that that he had lined up a hit man to do the job two decades ago. Winter’s allegation would seemingly support the murder-suicide theory suggested by the police during their early investigation. 

但是温特的说辞却缺乏直接证据。他未能通过资深测谎专家对他这些证词进行的谎话测试。同时, 温特还拒绝了对“他是否杀了舍曼夫妇”这一问题的测谎。

But Winter’s claim lacks the support of direct evidence and he has failed a lie detector test by veteran polygraph expert over the allegations. He also refused to take a lie detector test on the question of whether he killed Barry and Honey Sherman. 


"I was betrayed, my cousin hurt me and now I want to hurt him," Winter told CBC. Winter and his siblings had been locked in a protracted, decade-long lawsuit launched in 2007 seeking a piece of the Apotex fortune. As a result of the lawsuit, Winter not only lost his claim on his cousin's wealth, but he was also ordered to pay Sherman back $8 million. Just a week before the Shermans were found dead, a court ordered Winter and his siblings to pay Sherman $300,000 in legal costs.


Apparently, Winter’s claim would spark speculations that had involved with Sherman’s homicide. However, Winter, who provides no alibi for the day of the murder, has vehemently denied that he has anything to do with his cousins’ death and that he was told by the police that he is not a suspect in the case.  CBC states that it has no evidence of Winter’s involvement in the murder.

但温特这种怪异之举必然引起警方注意。 西安大略大学的犯罪专家迈克尔。安汀费称: ”他这么跳来跳去的目的何在?这才是要让人考虑的问题”。

But Winter’s bizarre allegations would be interest to the police. “I mean,  why go through this whole song and dance? That's really the underlying question here," says Michael Arntfield, a criminologist at Western University in London, Ont., who observed the polygraph test.  



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