

Why did Trudeau fail to respect the authority of AG?
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

近期发表的道德专员报告认为特鲁多试图干涉SNC刑事起诉,因而违反了道德法。虽然特鲁多表示对所犯的错误承担全部责任,但他拒绝道歉。 特鲁多称:“我所做的一切就是在保护司法系统完整性的前提下,尽我所能保护加拿大的工作机会。”

Ethics commissioner report finds Trudeau breached ethics law by trying to interfere on SNC criminal prosecution process. While Trudeau has taken full responsibility for the mistakes made, he has refused to apologize. "What I did in this situation was do my very best to stand up for Canadian jobs, while at the same time, doing everything I could to protect the integrity of our judicial system."


Trudeau's position raises the question of whether he understands about the impartiality of Canadian Justice and the utmost importance of judiciary independence. It seems he did, as evidenced by Meng Wanzhou case. He had clung tightly to the rule of law assertion in facing China's demand to release the Huawei executive. He backlashed against Trump for wanting to intervene in Huawei case politically. He fired John McCallum for suggesting the arrest of Meng was politically motivated. He rejected former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's request to cancel Meng's extradition hearing to end a bitter dispute with China.


"Canada follows the rule of law," Ottawa repeatedly claimed.  The Liberals' rule of law assertion has impressed many immigrants escaping an authoritarian government, where the communist party always dictated the administration of justice. I wrote a column commending Trudeau and Freeland, tipping my hat to their remarkable persistence in defending Canada's judiciary independence.

However, what Trudeau failed to understand is the authority of the attorney general who has a responsibility to defend the rule of law. Whether to overturn public prosecutor's decision or to let the prosecution run its course is the decision of the AG and her decision alone. He must respect that decision, no matter who the AG was, whether she was a woman from an indigenous community.

但相信正义在手的特鲁多认为他所做的一切都是以加国老百姓利益出发,力保兰万灵企业的工作机会。难道不是吗?这么多政治上层的权利人士支持他,法律界最权威人士也向着他说话。他的同盟军包括渥太华的政治精英们:两名内阁部长和他们的高级助手,枢密院的书记员,政治顾问和兰万灵的领导层。前最高法院法官,当今兰万灵的法律顾问Frank Iacobucci认为司法部长进行干预是合法的。另一位前最高法院法官约翰•梅杰(John Major)也就类似观点做了表态。

Trudeau believed the justice is on his side because he intended to protect jobs and serve the interest of Canadians. He has a coalition of support and the advice of the nation's top justice at disposal. His alliance consisted of the power elites in Ottawa establishment -- two cabinet ministers and their top aides, the clerk of the Privy Council, political advisers and the leadership at SNC-Lavalin.  Former Supreme Court justice Frank Iacobucci, who is the legal counsel to SNC-Lavalin, believed that an intervention by the attorney-general would be legitimate. Another former Supreme Court justice, John Major, weighed in on a related matter.

特鲁多的理直气壮并不奇怪。这不明摆着吗?是那位不称职但又不听话的司法部长绝接受总理及其顾问明智建议。 王州迪在辞职后名声遭到攻击,被指控为无能部长,不能顾全大局。特鲁多的律师也指控王州迪和内阁同事之间常有摩擦,并称她的决定是在“误解法律和受政治动机的影响”下做出的。

It's no surprise that Mr. Trudeau believed his action was appropriate and justified. He also thought that it was the defiant and unqualified attorney General who resisted the sensible advice of the PM and his advisors. Jody Wilson-Raybould became the target of character assassination after she resigned, facing the accusation of incompetent and not a team player. Mr. Trudeau's lawyer alleged friction between the minister and cabinet colleagues and described her decision-making as "infected by legal misunderstanding and political motivation." 


Trudeau should apologize for his disgraced action of trying to bully Ms. Wilson-Raybould into interfering in criminal prosecution. Refusing to do so, the Liberals would ruin the image it pledged through Meng Wanzhou case– an honest government that holds democratic values to the utmost. It would also turn its "the rule of law" claim into hypocrisy. As the federal election looms large, Trudeau’s action has created uncertainty in the voting choices for me, who, along with many others, used to be strong Liberal supporters. 




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