

Pushing his supporters from buying his sneakers to $100,000 a piece of watches, Trump is insulting your intelligence and playing you to his will
来源: 大中网/096.ca 贾宁扬(Jack Jia)

On September 29, I posted the following on several social media:

"If you are a Trump supporter, can you  answer my following questions!

If a candidate who wants to earn your vote to represent you,

He or she knocks on your door for the very first time. After promoting his/her platform, he or she presents you a pair of sneakers and asks if you are interested to buy;

He or she visits you again days later during the campaign. After promoting his/her platform, he or she asks you to buy a bible carrying his signature;  

He or she visits your family for a third time during the campaign. After promoting his/her platform, he or she wants you to invest into his crypto coins;

Then he or she visits you for a fourth time. After promoting his/her platform, he or she wants you to buy his $100,000 apiece watch;

Will you still vote for him/her?"

遗憾的是,没几个人点赞了我的提问,只有一个人回答了我的问题。他的贴说道:我照样投他,No matter is what he sells! (估计他的英文书写有笔误。正确的英文说法应该是:No matter what he sells!)
Unfortunately, few people “liked” my question, and only one person answered my question. His post said: I will vote for him anyway, No matter is what he sells! (I guess there is a typo in his English. The correct answer in English should be: No matter what he sells!)

As a journalist, I have served the Chinese community in Toronto for more than 31 years. One thing I am most proud of is that I have been constantly fighting against Chinese con men and con women in the Toronto Chinese community.

When talking about Trump, Bloomberg News founder, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said: “I'm a New Yorker, & I know a CON when I see one!”

I found that my ability to identify cons is no less than Bloomberg's. Although I have made many mistakes in my whole life, I don't think I have wronged a con, including Trump.

For example, more than 20 years ago, a community celebrity walked into a party and disrupted the event by speaking loudly that he had closed a business deal with the richest man in Canada that day.

The problem is that the person he was talking about was not Kenneth Thomson, the owner of Globe and Mail, who was the richest man in Canada at the time.

I hate people lying. I can't tolerate others treating me as a fool. People can question my judgement, but you can't insult my intelligence. After his announcement, I told everyone at the table that this guy had no respect towards us and saw us as stupid. If he insults us like this again next time, I will stand up and push back with a fact check.

A few years later, when I received more than 30 complaints alleging that he was misleading and deceiving, I did not hesitate to write multiple investigative reports. Because of my reports, his business in Toronto plummeted. As a result, He sued Chinese News and I for defamation.

He then demanded that Chinese News and I pay him $2.5 million each for damages. The lawsuit lasted for nearly 6 years. In the end, Chinese News and I accepted the advice of our lawyer and chose to settle the case out of court. According to the settlement agreement, Chinese News and I can no longer name him in reports.

Another example is that more than 10 years ago, when I heard that Tang Weizhen, a Chinese-Canadian in Toronto who called himself the "Chinese Buffett", promised to investors  that he could make 1% weekly return by playing the financial markets. He heavily promoted his platform in the Chinese communities around the world. I believed that no one would buy his promise because no one in this world could achieve a 1% weekly return consistently.

It was not until several readers called Chinese News and invited me to attend their meeting on how to get back their investment from Tang Weizhen. By engaging with the investors, I learned that many investors suffered heavy losses and could not get their money back. I just figured out that Tang had led many investors into a trap.

According to the government's criminal charge against Tang Weizhen, he raised more than $50 million from more than 200 Chinese investors. Almost all of the money was lost or could not be traced.

Tang Weizhen was convicted and was jailed for 6 years.

This is one of the many things I regret as a journalist. If Chinese News and I had done an investigative report on Tang Weizhen, at least many victims could have escaped.

我从与川普第一次面对面时,就确定他是个骗子。(请看我的视频:贾宁扬脱口秀 2022-07-07 2001年第一次见川普 我就认定他是个骗子
I was sure that Trump was a liar from the first time I met him face to face.Please watch my YouTube video: 2022-07-07 When I first met Trump in 2001, I knew he was a con

这篇文章暂且不数落川普误导和行骗的历史,包括赖工人、供应商,律师们的钱,到用川普大学骗学生的学费。他的前私人律师Rudy Giuliani不久前说,川普到目前还欠他多达$100万美元的律师费。
This article will not list Trump's history of misleading and deceiving, including, but not limited to, from owing money to his workers, suppliers, and lawyers, to use Trump University to defraud students of tuition. His former private lawyer Rudy Giuliani said not long ago that Trump still owes him over $1 million in legal fees.

If you think these allegations are groundless, then you should ask yourself, why doesn't Trump, a liar who likes to go to court to tell people to shut up, sue those who accuse him of fraud or the media for defamation.

Now let's talk about the fine prints of the $100,000 watches he sells to supporters:

The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.

手表将于 10 月/11 月/12 月开始发货。发货和交货日期仅为预估日期,无法保证。。
Watches start shipping in October/November/December. Shipping and delivery dates are estimates only and cannot be guaranteed.

In other words, even if the watch you bought for $100,000 is a not what he claims, Trump himself has no financial liability.

If you can't judge Trump as a con man based on his bad deeds, his words and behaviors, it's only a matter of time before you get screwed.

What's more terrible is that if you lack the ability to judge a con man or woman, you will almost certainly fall into the hands of another con man or woman in the future, especially when you are old and have a fortune in your hands if you don't fall into Trump's hands today.

After reading this article, you can abstain from voting to protest the Republican Party for putting up a scum like Trump as a candidate to run for the most powerful person in the world, or simply vote for Harris. 





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