
夏日垂钓 我之所好(IV)

Fishing: my favourite summer activities (IV)
来源: Bob Mok
加拿大清澈的河流湖泊和丰富的鱼类使得许多华裔人士钟情于垂钓活动。Bob Mok指引的精彩垂钓之旅不仅可以让你尽享垂钓之乐,还可以让你品尝到各种美味鱼肴。

Canada’s pristine water and abundant fish has made fishing a favourable sport for many Chinese Canadians. Bob Mok guides you on exciting fishing trips that not only offer pleasant experience but also fresh tasty fish for you to enjoy.

For the earlier articles in this series, please check out the link below:



Let us continue our discussions on the other modes of fishing not covered by our previous article.


3) Boat Fishing –



This is the summer activity best enjoyed by those with cottages fronting at a lake or river where access is unrestricted. For those without a summer home, they can rent boats at a cost from $85-$130 that will accommodate 3-4 people.



Since 2010, all Canadian boaters are required to hold a valid Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) in all provinces across Canada. This boat license card is issued by Transport Canada and is valid in Ontario as well as all other provinces. Some boat rental places can provide a waiver in place of the license for occasional boat drivers.



Our many lakes are craved by glacier retreating eons ago and they can be very deep (up to hundreds of feet). However, most fishing is done within a depth of 15 to 20 feet where the sunlight can penetrate and weeds can grow to sustain aquatic insects and other life forms.



Fishes are feeding and living amongst weeds and adjacent areas nearby. The two most common angling features to identify are known as “Drop-offs” and “Shoals”. “Drop-offs” are regions where there is a sudden and sharp increase in depth.  “Shoals” are isolated piles of rocks concentrating in a small area.



Boat fishing allows us to test our skills and knowledge to predict where the fishes are and to execute our plans to entice them to strike using the proper fishing gear and bait or lure. Getting a strike is only one part of the sport, playing the fish and getting it into the boat is just as important. Many fishes are lost on their way into the waiting net due to poor equipment and/or poor fishing techniques. The ones that get away are always the “Biggest ones” in an angler’s memories!



A few things to remember when fishing in a boat –



1)  Wear a life vest and do not make sudden movements or risk



2) Do not drink and operate the boat – you can be ticketed and demerit points applied to your vehicle driving license.



3)  Avoid thunderstorms on a lake. Spot the thunder clouds and leave the area.



4)  Observe the regulations for treatment of fishes, size and creel limits applicable to the zone you are fishing in.



One thing we must understand is the Ministry’s Conservation officers enforce fisheries regulations in the Province of Ontario. They have powers of inspection, arrest, search and seizure under the various statutes they enforce, including the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and the Fisheries Act.



When carrying out their duties, conservation officers may:


• 截停和检查车辆、船只或飞机

• Stop and inspect a vehicle, boat or aircraft


•  询问涉及检查的问题

• Ask questions relevant to the inspection


•  检查建筑物或其他地方

• Inspect buildings or other places


• 要求协助完成检查

• Require assistance to complete inspections



• Enter onto private property to perform their duties


•  持搜查令进行搜查

• Search with a warrant


•  在需要立即采取行动的情况下无搜查令也可进行搜查

• Search without a warrant in circumstances requiring immediate action


•  查扣涉及犯罪的物品

• Seize items related to an offence


•  逮捕任何他们认为已经实施、正在实施或是即将实施犯罪的人

• Arrest anyone they believe has committed, is committing, or is about to commit an offence.


This effectively give the Conservation officers more power than regular police officers in that they do not need a search warrant to enter a private home when they have reasonable grounds to believe that there are on-going violations of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and the Fisheries Act taking place.


If we see illegal fishing activities, it is our duty to report to the Conservation authorities to ensure that conservation practices will continue to leave fish stocks for our future generations to enjoy the sport of fishing and harvest fishes for food.



Our next article will talk about ice fishing during winter months. This is a unique experience not available to those who live in warmer regions of the world.



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