
本周重要新闻推荐 07-09-19

Toronto prominent realtor killed in targeted shooting in Toronto upscale restaurant 

在多伦多华人社区著名地产经纪韩建国惨遭杀害的五年之后,一名五十四岁的多伦多地产经纪,作家,兼谈话节目主播Simon Giannini于上周六晚上在多伦多市中心娱乐区的一家高档牛排餐馆遭枪杀,枪击目标明确。据证人说,当时一名戴着连帽外套蒙脸男性枪手走进餐厅,向受害者Giannini连发数枪,引发现场恐慌。枪手在事发后逃离现场,但袭击动机未知。
Five years after the brutal murder of Han Jianguo,a prominent realtor in the Chinese community, Simon Giannini, a 54-year-old Toronto realtor, a writer and a radio talk show host, was gunned down on Saturday night in a targeted shooting at a Toronto restaurant – an upscale steakhouse in Toronto entertainment district. According to witnesses, Giannini was approached by a male gunman wearing a hooded jacket and covering his face. He walked into the restaurant and fired multiple shots at the victim, sparking panic at the scene. The gunman fled the scene after the shooting and the motive for the attack is not yet known.



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