
下周重要新闻推荐 07-09-30

Canadian newsrooms under attack

新闻自由是民主社会的基本保障。但在强权和舆论控制不断升级的今天,媒体自由遭受前所未有的威胁。虽然在俄罗斯,伊朗和中国等专制国家里, 对独立媒体的袭击使之失去立足之地,但在民主国家中,自由,独立的媒体之声和也受到压制。虽然特鲁多总理声称加国崇尚媒体自由,但加国媒体的自由和独立性却不断下降,加国所发生的新闻记者被监视事件以及其对大胆揭露违法行为者未能提供有效保护之现象使加国媒体独立形象大打折扣。

Independent journalism is essential to democracy. In an era of strongman and propaganda, liberty of press faces unprecedented threat. While attacks on the media have become a commonplace in authoritarian states – such as Russia, Iran and China, suppression of press freedom has gained momentum in democratic countries.  Press independence has plummeted in Canada – the country that its PM boasts of respecting journalistic freedom, leaving the country slapped with a failing grade over surveillance of journalists and a lack of protection for whistle-blowers. 


But the attacks on media and authorities’ gag orders are not the only threat that journalism is facing. The growing internet disruptions have not only put newspapers in crisis, but also left digital media starting to feel the pinch. At a frustrating and difficult time for the Canadian newsrooms, Ottawa has failed to address the media challenges – on both the freedom and financial front, and to provide any support for journalistic content.




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