

Worth Repeating: Internet is not a tool for those who intend to harm
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)



Web bloggers, on-line bulletin boards, and Internet forums that provide a powerful platform for free expression could become a tool for disgruntled employees, misled clients and betrayed partners to release their frustrations, as well as a means for those who intend to harm others.


“If you choose not to publish my allegations, I would go to Internet where I can enjoy the freedom of speech, and I believe my story posted there would resonate with more similar complaints,” a reader told Chinese News.


However, using the internet as a tool to harm or release frustration is a double-edged sword. While Internet empowers freedom of expression by providing individuals with new means of expression, the free flow of Information has raised calls for content regulation.

《多伦多星报》和CBC的代表律师、Blakes律师行的著名诽谤诉讼律师Tony Wong表示:“虽说界限较难划清,但在言论自由保护与维护个人名誉之间还是有所区别。根据传统,加拿大的法律更偏向于维护个人声誉。”

“Although it is difficult, there is a line to be drawn between protection of freedom of expression on one hand and protection of personal reputation on the other. In Canada, the line has historically been drawn in favor of protection of reputation over freedom of expression,” said Tony Wong, a prominent libel lawyer of Blakes, who represents the Toronto Star and CBC.

Tony Wong律师表示:“根据加拿大法律,定义诽谤的标准相对较低。如果在一个思维正常的人看来,所发表言论对某人不利,法庭就可能会认为这一言论具有诽谤性,认定言论中的内容为虚构,并要求发表言论的一方证实其言论的真实性。但美国法律则不同,被控诽谤的原告必须去证明该言论并非属实。”

“Under Canadian law, the threshold of what is defamatory is relatively low.  If a statement tends to cause a reasonable person to think ‘less’ of the subject of the statement, then a court will likely find it to be defamatory, which is presumed to be false and the onus is on the party making the statement to prove that it is true. However the contrary is the case in the United States, where libel plaintiff must prove the statement is false,” said Wong.


Recognizing that Internet is not a complete “free way” to express their thoughts, online posters seems to have shown signs of constraint.


Not directly naming the individual, a posting by “boredman” (an online registered name) on the website of Rolia.com alleges that “a complaint process or lawsuit should be filed against this indecent realty agent, who set out to screw up members of the Chinese community. If you want the name of the agent, please leave a message… “


“Who (is it), PM (private message) me please,” several posters asked in response.


In one of the PM sent to a staff member of Chinese News by boredman, the message provides the name of the agent and the company he is with…”He does not show a business moral, and has cheated us. So I decided to sue him… “ said the PM.

一封以其他网名发的帖子将这名经纪称为“Yuan Trick”.

Another post under a different online name referred to the agent as “Yuan Trick”.


In an interview with Chinese News, the real estate agent alleged by boredman said that he was informed of the postings about him by several of his friends.


“The allegations against me are groundless, which is absolutely defamatory, and I know who the poster is,” said the agent.


If a website posting makes allegations against a businessperson in the community without directly naming the person, but the poster will give out the name through private emails or messages to the requesters who have read the post, are the poster and the website liable for defamation?


In fact, an individual cannot necessarily avoid defaming a person by not using that person’s name in a post or blog, according to Wong.


“Under Canadian law, the question that a court will consider is whether the person defamed would be identifiable to a reasonable person even in the absence of his/her name. In some cases, a person can be identified through characteristics other than his/her name, such as person’s job, address, relative public statements or public accomplishments, or any combination of the preceding,” said Wong.

Tony Wong 律师表示,如果一般网友们很难辨识出网贴所指之人,网站基本上就不用承担法律责任。不过,通过个人邮件透露姓名者则有可能负有诽谤之责。

In the event that no reasonable reader of the website could determine who the subject of the post is, the website is probably innocent. However, the person who gives out the name through a private email would probably be liable for defamation, said Wong.


Although the internet is a new technology, in general, all parties involved -- from the originator to the website that hosts the comments -- can be held potentially liable for the publication of defamatory information. Realizing their legal liabilities, many websites diligently screen their postings and promptly delete defamatory comments.


“To manage the forum, we have to delete some posts according to our rules and our sole discretion. According to our disclaimer and Rules of Forum, prohibited content includes coarse language and defamation.  Thus we don't allow such articles to be posted or advertised,” said director of Rolia Cultural Association in his letter to a poster published on Rolia.com. The director does not want his name published.


The director said that Rolia.com intends to provide a platform for immigrants to communicate rationally and peacefully, rather than a means for participants to harm others or release anger.


Internet seems gradually losing its capacity as a tool for a poster who intends to harm others or release frustration.


“I have not seen any damages caused by the posts to my personal reputation or my business in general, so I choose to ignore the posts,” said the agent.

Tony Wong律师表示,为网上诽谤指控提供的辩护依据为该言论的真实性,加拿大法庭近来更偏袒那些为了大众利益写文章的记者,前提是该记者在准备、写稿和发稿时认真负责,包括向所涉及故事的人物收集观点,依靠可靠消息来源、给当事人合理的机会去发表言论,采取合理步骤核对信息的真实性。这些都是记者被告诽谤时强有力的辩护,即使这些报道可能存在某些失误。

While the defence to an online defamation claim resides in its truth, Canadian courts recently recognized that a story related to a matter of public interest written by a responsible journalist who prepares, writes and publishes a story responsibly -- who obtains comments from those involved in the story, who has relied on credible sources, who has taken reasonable steps to verify information, etc., and who gives people involved a reasonable opportunity to comment has a strong defence against defamation claims, even if the story contains some error, said Wong.





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