

East Asians outperform other groups in pandemic health
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
Covid 19 impacts racial groups differently, hitting harder on marginalized minorities than white. Pandemic has magnified the poor socioeconomic wellbeing of racialized groups, reflecting on the struggles the marginalized people face in the adopted country. Surprisingly, data has shown the East Asian community beats all other races in pandemic health, having the lowest infection rate among all ethnicities and races in Toronto.

Toronto Public Health data has revealed that East Asians (majority being Chinese) are the least affected by the pandemic crisis.  The data identified 79% of Covid-19 cases as racialized minorities, and the majority was black and South Asians.  Placed at the bottom of the Covid racial breakdown was the East Asian group.  With 13 percent of Toronto's population, it has just 4% of Covid cases in the city, a sharp contrast to 27 percent of its equal-sized South Asian counterparts, 21% of white that nearly quadruples the East Asian population, and 16% of black that double the group size.


Overcrowded housing contributes to the increased covid 19 infection rates as restricted living space makes it challenging to practice social distancing and self-isolate.  In general, marginalized racial communities are the least likely to afford the skyrocketed high home prices in the city, forcing them to resort to rooming houses and jammed apartments for housing solutions. However, the Chinese community has mostly escaped the rental housing trap and is the top player in the real estate market. 
温哥华房市数据让我们对加拿大华裔迅速攀升的住房拥有率窥见一斑。据UBC地理学家创建的“多元族裔网站”提供的信息,在10名抵达温哥华的大陆新移民中,有9名迅速购置了房产,而来自菲律宾的新移民中,购房率仅为40%。网站信息还显示,在温哥华的大陆移民总体购房率为90%, 与之相比,白人的房屋拥有率为70%, 菲律宾为60%,而黑人、阿拉伯人和拉丁裔仅为40%。
Data on Vancouver real estate offers a glimpse into the Chinese Canadians' rapidly soaring homeownership. According to the "super-diversity" website created by a UBC geographer, nine of 10 recent Chinese immigrants arriving in Metro Vancouver immediately bought homes, a sharp contrast to less than 40% of Filipinos. The online charts also reveal that Chinese Canadians in Vancouver claim the highest overall homeownership rate of 90%, compared with seven in 10 Caucasians, six in 10 Filipinos, and just four in 10 blacks, Arabs, and Latinos.  

Homeownership not only brings decent living space but also associates with higher income and better working conditions.  According to Housing Statistics in Canada, homeowners earned twice as much salary as their non-homeowner peers and are more likely to hold jobs in the higher-wage industry.  Stats show that Chinese Canadians make up high proportions of scientific and technical employees and are the least likely to work in the retail, healthcare, and hospitality industries.  While Filipinos who make up 90 percent of migrant caregivers risk their health by delivering services to Covid-19 high-risk groups, a significant portion of Chinese Canadians enjoys the flexibility of working from home, far away from  Covid-19 battlefields.

The pandemic reality speaks volumes to the socioeconomic factors – from overcrowded housing to working at the Covid frontline. With higher homeownership and remote working possibility, Chinese Canadians outperformed all other races in Covid 19 prevention, somewhat indicating that the ethnic group has moved up from the bottom rung of the economic ladder and emerged from the woods that still strand the marginalized communities.






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