

AstraZeneca painful saga reveals Western authorities' heightened vigilance over vaccine safety
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
新冠疫苗在抵抗疫情过程中所起的至关重要的作用使其成为政治舞台上的道具,也沦为政治集权国家攻击对手的武器。 在一些接种了辉瑞疫苗的挪威老人去世后,一些微信媒体张贴借此之机大肆攻击西方国家,指责急于对付疫情的西方政府和媒体对挪威老人的去世视而不见,并试图掩盖辉瑞疫苗所产生的致死之副作用。然而牛津阿斯利康疫苗在上市后所面临的坎坷经历证实,对西方国家的这种指控毫无根据,纯属无稽之谈。
Covid 19 vaccines' critical role in fighting the pandemic has turned it into a prop in the theater of politics and a weapon to assault rivals in politically centralized states. In the wake of a group of Pfizer recipient's deaths in Norway early this year, some social media posts have tapped into the opportunity to attack the Western governments and media. It accused the West, desperately to suppress the pandemic, have turned a blind eye to Norwegians' tragic deaths, trying to sweep the vaccine's death-causing side effects under the rug. However, the AstraZeneca vaccine's roller-coaster ride has proven the accusations couldn't be more wrong and baseless.

The Norwegian health authority's investigation has found the Pfizer vaccines not to blame for the deaths of 23 frail seniors with severe underlying illnesses. Their deaths were in line with the average casualties in Norway's senior care facilities, where 400 people die each week of serious diseases.  Norwegian health authorities believed the vaccine-unrelated deaths did not cause any concern over Pfizer vaccine safety, nor did it prompt any regulatory restrictions over the vaccine use.
But AstraZeneca vaccine's safety rating has been a whole new ball game, which prompted precautionary measures from the governments across the West.  Multiple adverse events after the AstraZeneca shots had led to its rollout suspensions in several European countries.  Austria was the first country to halt the vaccine after blood clotting occurred on two middle-aged recipients – causing one dead and another severely ill.  Over a dozen European countries followed suit after 37 reports of blood clot events out of over 17 million people, despite the vaccine makers' claim that the vaccine did not increase blood clotting disorder risks.


The investigation by EU drug authorities that have found no direct link between the vaccine and the disorder temporarily cleared the vaccine's name, which allowed European governments to resume the vaccine's approval. However, new research has cast a shadow on the jab. Scientists identified a plausible mechanism that could link the AstraZeneca shot to the blood clotting disorder dubbed VIPIT.  Meanwhile, more blood clot cases have emerged in Europe, raising the estimated rate of adverse events from one per million vaccinations to 1 per 100,000 – which exceeded Canadian health officials' safety tolerance.
尽管有大量证据显示阿斯利康疫苗能有效防止新冠疫情,且加国也未曾出现一起血栓事件,但新的医学观点还是让加国卫生官员做出极为小心和谨慎的决定。 加拿大疫苗接种咨询委员会(NACI)在宣布了对疫苗使用进行限制的决定之后,加国各省政府纷纷改变了对该疫苗以往的温和态度,下令禁止55岁以下的人群接种此疫苗。同时,美国医药管理局也对制药商提供的有效数字提出质疑,进一步阻止其在美国的批准使用。
Despite the evidence showing the vaccine's efficacy in preventing Covid 19 and despite no blood clotting incident reported in Canada, the new science development has led the Canadian health officials' decision to err on the side of caution. NACI's announcement over the vaccine's restrictions has prompted the government's changed the course of action to suspend AstraZeneca's use for people under 55. Meanwhile, the US drug agency also challenged the drug maker's efficacy results, rendering the vaccine's setback in its approval in the US.  
阿斯利康疫苗的惨痛经历凸显出一个稳健, 严格和极其透明的西方医学体系,对疫苗安全性极度关切的西方政府,以及誓将疫苗不良副作用昭示于众的西方媒体。这与某些集权专制国家大搞疫苗地缘政治,同时忽视疫苗接种安全,使用未经批准疫苗而为成千上万人接种的做法大相径庭,并形成鲜明对比。
AstraZeneca's painful saga has revealed a robust, stringent, and transparent Western medical regime, the governments' heightened vigilance over vaccines' safety, and the media's relentless efforts to put vaccine's side effects under public scrutiny. It stands in sharp contrast to authoritarian states' vaccine strategy that prioritizes the geopolitical gains over citizens' safety, trying to inoculate hundreds of thousands of people with unproven vaccines. 






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