

Chinese immigrant: Canada has turned my life around
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
50岁出头的加国新移民贾先生对加拿大充满感激之情。贾先生一家于2016年通过保姆移民计划从中国的河南省移民到卡尔加里,自此与许多新移民一样在加国开始了移民之旅。经过几年的艰苦创业,他们一家在加拿大的Fort McMurry定居下来,女儿也在大学读上了热门专业。贾先生说加拿大是个移民的好地方,当初来加国移民的决定是做对了。贾先生在接受媒体采访时表示:“在加拿大,你住的越久,就越喜欢这个地方!”
As a new immigrant in Canada in his early 50s,  Mr. Jia has a lot to thank for this country. Jia’s family immigrated from He Nan, China, to Calgary in 2016 through the live-in caregiver program. Since then, they’ve started a new life in Canada like many newcomers. After a few years of blood, sweat, and tears, the family settled well in Fort McMurry, and Jia’s daughter was now pursuing a popular degree in university. Believing Canada was a great place to put down roots, Jia said he made the right decision to immigrate his family to this country. “Canada is a place where the longer you live, the more you like it,” said Jia in a media interview.


Mr. Jia has found a deep sense of connection and belonging in this remote and distant country that he had no previous ties to whatsoever. The family benefited tremendously from the help offered by Ms. Jia’s former employer, a local Canadian family, as she applied for her family’s immigration status. The respect and caring attitude from the local Canadians has impressed him and touched his heart, allowing him to experience firsthand Canadians’ outpouring support and generosity towards an immigrant worker. Mr. Jia also felt deeply grateful that his daughter, who had faced a poor education and job prospect in the third-tier city of China, was now enjoying first-class post-secondary education in this adopted country. “In Canada, she has found hopes and dreams that never existed in China.”
Millions of immigrants in Canada share the Jia family’s feelings. They appreciate the equal opportunity Canada has offered for immigrants to explore their full potentials and have discovered their Canadian dream in this welcoming land they now call home. Canada stands out internationally in the happiness that immigrants themselves report and the general public’s positive attitudes towards their foreign-born compatriots. Canada’s widely embraced value of diversity and equality has set it apart from the US and the Western world torn apart by the rise of populist nationalism. Canada’s mass immigration policy targeting an annual 400,000 newcomers has paved its path to becoming the migration magnet of the 21 Century.

Canada has made great strides in breaking down job barriers for foreign-born professionals as it opens its doors widely to people from around the world. The Ontario government has proposed legislation that would remove requirements for Canadian work experience, making it easier for some foreign-trained workers to become licensed in regulated professions. A recent study has found an improved job participation rate for new immigrants and an even better labor market outcome than their Canadian-born counterparts.
The Canadians’ attitude of embracing true diversity is no more evident than their ability to see beyond racial differences as they elect their political representatives. Over the years, foreign-born Canadians have gained growing power and influence in Canadian political leadership. Two first-generation immigrants have won the recent mayoral race in Calgary and Edmonton, getting votes from most Canadian citizens with different racial and cultural backgrounds. The NDP leader Jagmeet Singh’s run for PM as the first Asian Canadian in the recent federal election has set a milestone for equality and diversity on the Canadian political landscape.
The immigrant journey in Canada wasn’t a smooth one for Jia and his family, but it was a remarkable experience that turned their life around. “So long as you can eat bitter and endure hardship, an immigrant from the bottom of the economic ladder in China can have their life changed significantly for the better in Canada,” said Mr. Jia.




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