

Humanitarian tragedy in Ukraine and Shanghai bares the flaws of autocratic system (Opinion)
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)

贾宁扬脱口秀 2022-04-13 让我们用高科技记录那些独裁/专制政府(如中共政府)害怕的、声像俱全的真实历史

For over half a century, democracy has suffered unprecedented crisis while authoritarianism has gained the global upper hand. The authoritarian states have tried to establish an international order that extols autocracy, cultivating beliefs authoritarianism is the global future. But amid a soaring skepticism over democracy and its ability to function in the complexity of the modern world, the humanitarian crisis caused by Putin and Xi's regimes respectively lays bare the flaws of the autocratic system, demonstrating to the world how autocracy can lead to decision errors in a catastrophic manner.

俄罗斯在乌克兰发动了一场无端战争,造成了令人难以想象的人间悲剧。 这场战争已造成数千名平民死亡,数以千万计的人无家可归。 一桩桩活生生的证据将俄罗斯军队的暴行暴露无遗:在基辅郊区发现的万人坑,被轰炸的医院、学校和民用建筑,遭行刑式处决的被捕市民,以及散落在布查的街头的妇女和儿童的尸体。 俄罗斯人的暴行导致西方国家具毁灭性的制裁令,同时全球要求声讨普京所犯下的反人类罪行的呼声高涨。

Russia started an unprovoked war in Ukraine, creating a human tragedy on the grandest scale. The war has killed thousands of civilians, leaving tens of millions fleeing the country. Grisly evidence has emerged, painting vivid pictures of Russian troops' atrocities: Discovered mass graves on the outskirts of Kyiv, bombed hospitals, schools, and civilian buildings, captured citizens shot execution-style, and bodies of women and children scattered on the streets in Bucha. Russians' brutality has led to Western countries' damaging sanctions, prompting global demands to hold Putin accountable for the most horrific crimes against humanity.

俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵凸显出独裁政权不断消弱的势力和信誉的丧失,充分暴露了这一体制的弊病。一种误认为自己国家处处都处于绝对优势的荒诞的民粹主义让全国陷入狂热,使盲目其追求超越自身能力的野心。同时,由于权利高度集中于亲信圈子,最高领导人无法获得对做出理性决策至关重要的不利信息。普京就是过分低估了乌克兰的战场反击能力从而导致俄罗斯军队在战场上频频失利。 被逼入绝境的俄罗斯军队对乌克兰百姓实施残暴杀戮,导致令人发指的人道灾难。

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the diminished and discredited power of autocrats, exposing the highly problematic nature of the governing system. Believing the country is exceptional on all fronts, a crackpot nationalism has deluded the nation into pursuing ambitions beyond its capacity. At the same time, the absolute power restricted to the smaller circle of the trusted has deprived the top leader of accessing adverse information critical to rational decisions. Putin's gross underestimation of Ukraine's ability to fight has led to severe setbacks on the battlefields. Forced into a corner, Russian troops have resorted to brutal actions causing traumatic suffering for Ukraine civilians.


As Ukraine's people grapple with war-torn lives, another humanitarian nightmare unfolds in China – caused by the Chinese regime's zero covid policy. China's draconian response to the Omicron wave has devastated this city of 26 million people, creating tragedy that has sent shockwaves worldwide. Disturbing footage captured the moment of ordinary citizens that resembles a horror movie: screaming for food and supply broke out from multiple high-rise apartments at night. Desperate mothers cried their eyes out when authorities forcibly removed their infants or toddlers from them. Truck drivers turned hysterical for being locked inside the cabin for weeks. Critically ill patients choose to end their lives due to intolerable pain. "I am so upset … This is inhumane!" wrote one netizen on social media.  


But helpless citizens' tears and frustrations have barely shaken the Chinese authorities' resolve to double down on its draconian policies. Because pivoting away from zero-Covid due to the high socioeconomic cost would undermine Xi's leadership and the regime's legitimacy. Tragedies in Ukraine and China have shown that autocratic leaders would resort to any means necessary to expand or tighten their grip on power, including brutally killing massive numbers of innocent lives or putting tens of millions of people's wellbeing at stake. The bloody reality is the best evidence to deny autocracy regimes’ claim that they are superior to democracy.




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