

Opening:Holding the top leader accountable is a privilege of Liberal democracy
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)

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Justine Trudeau and his Liberal party under him have been embroiled in several significant scandals since they took power in 2015 – from the Aga Khan in 2016 to SNC LAVALIN in 2019 to WE Charity in 2020. The scandals, including those that led to the RCMP's consideration of charging him with fraud, have tarnished the top leader and his team's public image. Each scandal came to light under the public demand for transparency and by the diligent work of journalists, the living proof that democracy is at work. While the controversies have rattled faith in Trudeau and the Liberal government, they are essential features of liberal democracy and have played a crucial role in creating a healthy political culture.


Political leaders in democratic countries are frequently under fire for their holiday retreat from work as voters demand heightened scrutiny over their private lives. Trudeau's family accepted a gift of exclusive vacation at Aga Khan's private island for the 2016 Christmas holidays, shortly after the government pledged a $15-million grant to the billionaire's organization in 2015. The PMO disclosed Trudeau's vacation whereabouts under public pressure, which landed the PM in serious trouble. The top ethics watchdog found him in violation of multiple conflict laws in 2017, and RCMP documents in 2019 revealed that the Mounties considered laying fraud charges against him. The entire saga is unthinkable in an authoritarian state, where transparency about the nation's leader does not exist. Under no circumstances did the police dare to investigate the national leader with absolute power and privilege.


The exposure of the WE Charity scandal highlights the strength of parliament democracy that guards against power abuse. The liberal government's close relationship with WE Charity raised the opposition's eyebrows soon after Ottawa's announcement it was awarding a 900-million dollar contract to the charity organization. Each specific event painted a vivid portrait of the benefits that Trudeau, his former finance minister, and their families gained from the organization --from paid speeches to expenses-covered trips to the UK and Kenya. Awarding the sole-source contract to WE Charity led to his political rivals' accusation of the Liberal government playing favorite and choosing to reward the organization with close personal ties. At the height of the scandal, his finance minister resigned, and Trudeau faced the federal ethics commissioner's investigation.

司法独立是民主制度的基石,而特鲁多因试图干预司法总督为捍卫司法独立而受到抨击。 前司法总督王洲迪称,特鲁多和 总理办公室 曾试图向她施压,要求她与 兰万灵公司(SNC-Lavalin) 达成协议,以避免该公司受到刑事起诉。 道德专员经调查认定,总理为了其私人利益直接或通过其高级官员使用各种手段而施加压力和影响,从而违反了《利益冲突法》。 这一丑闻给加拿大自由党带来严重政治后果,使其在 2019 年选举中遭到选民的惩罚,迫使自由党沦为少数派政府。投票箱前严重受挫的自由党与 势如破竹的2015年的鼎盛选举形成鲜明对比。

Judicial independence is a cornerstone of democracy, and Trudeau came under fire for his efforts to interfere with the AG's role in defending it. The former Attorney General, Jody Wilson-Raybould, claimed that Trudeau and PMO had tried to pressure her to reach a deal with SNC-Lavalin to avoid criminal prosecution. Ethics Commissioner found that the PM had directly and through his senior officials used various means to exert influence for his private interest, which violated the Conflict of Interest Act. The scandal was politically costly for the Liberal party of Canada, leaving it to face the electoral penalty at the ballot box in the 2019 election. The setback had reduced the Liberals to a minority government -- a sharp contrast to the heady days of 2015.

特鲁多的诸项丑闻的曝光是媒体开放、司法独立和激烈的政党竞争的直接后果。 追究政治领袖人物对不法行为的责任可促进公民对民主制度的满意度,这也是只有民主国家的公民才能享受的特殊政治权利。

Trudeau's scandals are indicators of open media, judiciary independence, and fierce political competition. Holding politicians accountable for wrongdoing can foster citizens' satisfaction with democracy, a privilege to which only citizens of democratic countries are entitled.




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