

The more we look at the expenses at the DVN EDA, the more questions we have for PC MPP Ke
来源: 贾宁扬(Jack Jia)
Chinese News started an investigation after Global News reported on May 10, 2022 that Mr. Vincent Ke, a PC MPP of Don Valley North, charged DVN riding association $54,717 in expenses since 2018, including nearly $30,000 in 2018 on “meals, food and drink,” another $12,000 in 2019 on “meals and entertainment” and more than $13,000 since 2018 on gas, parking and auto-related expenses.

董晗鵬力推温金友头像上5元现钞! 为何我没兴趣?(观点 中英对照)
贾宁扬脱口秀 2022-04-28 周四 82%美国人对中国持负面看法对北美华人有多大影响

2022年5月10日,加拿大环球新闻报道说,多伦多Don Valley Nort(DVN)选区的安省保守党议员柯文彬先生自2018年以来向DVN选区协会收取了54,717元的费用,其中包括2018年近30,000元的用在“膳食、食品和饮料”的费用,2019 年12,000 元用于“餐饮和娱乐”,和自 2018 年以来超过 13,000 元用于加油、停车和与汽车相关的费用。

Chinese News published a report on May 19, 2022, questioning why Mr. Ke made a statement in Chinese only, and accused the Global News of groundless, malicious attack against him.


Mr. Ke did not say in his statement if he would disclose the receipts he charged to DVN riding association. He insisted that he did nothing wrong.


Chinese News has sent Mr. Ke numerous interview requests since May 18, 2022 and has received no response from him as of May 23,2022.


Chinese News managed to reach Mr. Joe Reis, DVN riding association’s president on May 16, 2022, and asked him, among other questions, about the receipts Mr. Ke charged to the association.

5月16日,经过努力,大中网/096.ca找到了DVN选区协会主席Joe Reis先生,问他能否提供柯文彬向协会收取费用的收据。

Mr. Reis promised Chinese News that he would provide Mr. Ke’s2018 receipts on Friday afternoon (May 20, 2022).


“I can guarantee you this, you will not see one penny was paid to Vincent Ke in this (2018) period.” Mr. Reis told Chinese News over the phone.


When this report is published, Chinese News has not yet received any receipts from Mr. Reis.  He did not respond to our texting, email, and phone messages either.


Chinese News also tried to interview Ms. Christine Yan Liu, Mr. Ke’s office staff and campaign manager of 2022.


Chinese News was told by a source that Ms. Liu was a cheque signing officer for DVN riding association. Also, Mr. Ke’s campaign office is located in Ms. Liu’s school.

Chinese News went to Mr. Ke’s campaign office located at 466 McNicoll Avenue, Sunday afternoon, May 22, 2022.

大中网/096.ca于5月22日、周日下午去了柯文彬位于466 McNicoll Avenue的竞选办公室。

The following picture taken by Chinese News and a picture from Google Map indicate that Mr. Ke is using the space of Extraordinary Education Centre as his campaign office.


Picture by Jack Jia / 贾宁扬摄影。

Google picture / 谷歌照片。
Chinese News also found out that Mr. Ke’s campaign office uses address of 466 McNicoll Avenue in his campaign website, Ms. Liu’s school address is 466 Harold Evans Crescent, although the two offices are side by side in the same plaza.

大中网/096.ca还发现,虽然柯的办公室和刘的学校紧挨着,且在同一个Plaza里面,但柯竞选网站用的地址是466 McNicoll Avenue,而刘燕的学校用的地址是466 Harold Evans Crescent。

Chinese News has not been able to independently verify if Ms. Liu owns or leases both properties.


It is not first time that Ms. Liu and Mr. Ke were involved in controversy.


On October 18, 2018, Chinese News reported that Mr. Ke and his wife used Ms. Liu’s residential address in Toronto to vote for Ms. Liu in the Toronto Municipal Election. Record showed then that Mr. Ke was living in Brampton instead of Toronto.


Ms. Liu told Chinese News then that Mr. Ke and his wife were her tenants then. She refused to give Chinese News any proof that Mr. Ke and his wife did pay Ms. Liu rent.


Sunday afternoon in Mr. Ke’s campaign office, Ms. Liu refused to answer Chinese News’ questions if and how much Mr. Ke pays her rent for his campaign office.


Ms. Liu also refused to confirm or deny if she is the cheque signing officer for DVN riding association.

Ms.  Liu told Chinese News that all expenses charged by Mr. Ke were approved by the DVN riding association executives and audited by Election Ontario.





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