

Opinion: China's zero-covid campaign has a silver lining: it has raised Chinese people's democratic awareness
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)


China's rapid economic growth and soar into a global superpower—after an era marked by poverty and war created delusional views among many Chinese people. They credited China's recent decades of economic achievements, the burgeoning middle class, and the drastically improved quality of living to the leadership of the authoritarian government. Many didn't feel the authoritarian state was oppressive, denying the necessity of liberal democracy in China. But China's zero covid movements have broken the misconception, laying bare a dystopian life brought by a tyrannical ruler as he wields the power of draconian policy to secure his reign.

政治学家布鲁斯·迪克森(Bruce Dickson)在 2014 年的一项调查显示,中国老百姓收入的增加和生活水平的提高是他们支持中国政权的重要因素。而在中共宣传战作用下,“中国最适合专制体制统治”的观念更是根深蒂固。很多人认为在中国的这一“特殊”的政治体系下,他们得以享受得与西方媲美的奢侈生活,包括财富增长,高档旅游和精英教育。他们认为政府的专制措施仅会伤及少数叛逆者,而却使不问政治,只管捞钱的大多数人受益。该调查还显示,许多老百姓认为他们已享有足够的自由,且对自由选举,法律治国和自由言论等民主观念一无所知。中国大众对演员成龙的那句“我们中国人就是需要被控制”的言论的支持,刻画出老百姓在中共不断增长的网络审查和大规模监视等压迫行径面前得听之任之,任其摆布的态度和嘴脸。

A survey by political scientist Bruce Dickson in 2014 showed that rising incomes and improved living standards were key sources of support for China's regime. CCP's propaganda only reinforced the view that the authoritarian political system worked the best for China. Many people believed that China's "unique" political party system allowed them to enjoy lavish spending rivaling their Western counterparts – from luxury vacations to elite education to wealth growth. The government control seemed to inflict pain on the defiant few while benefiting the majority that focused on improving material lives and avoiding getting involved in politics. The survey found that many Chinese naively believed they had enough freedom and were ignorant about democratic concepts – such as free election, the rule of law, and free speech. The widespread public support of Jacky Chan's remarks that "we Chinese people need to be controlled" underscored the citizens' submission to the controlling authority, despite the CCP's tightened grip on its people -- from growing censorship to widespread surveillance.  

中国的零疫情政策将对其公民的威权控制发挥到了极致。但随着经济停滞,镇压手段的恶化及其给老百姓带来伤害的加剧,公民不满和反抗也不断涌现。当数以千万计的上海人在封锁期间面临严重的粮食短缺或饥饿时,绝望的市民敲打着锅碗瓢盆进行抗议,要求提供食品并还其自由。而随着当局加强清零行动并扩大执法范围,公众的愤怒升级。导致 27 人在被转移到 Covid 隔离点时死亡的贵阳交通事故,唤醒了大众的内心创伤及内疚和羞耻。在抗议严苛清零政策的在线活动愈演愈烈之际,《财新》杂志前总编辑在微信发帖:“我们感到羞辱不仅是因为我们是欺凌的受害者,还因为我们不敢反击。 "就在赋予习近平第三个任期的中共代表大会召开之前,大幅横幅昭示于海淀区四通立交桥上,呼吁结束封锁并推翻习近平。 横幅写道:“不要文革要改革,不要封控要自由,不要领袖要选票,不要谎言要尊严,不做奴才做公民”

China's zero-covid policies have seen the authoritarian control over its citizens taken to the extreme. But signs of defiance emerged as the economy stalled, repression intensified, and the harm became increasingly personal. Desperate Shanghai citizens banged pots and pans in protest, demanding food and freedom as tens of millions faced severe food shortages or starvation during the lockdown. The deadly Guiyang bus accident that killed 27 people while being transferred to the Covid quarantine facility created a moment of collective guilt and shame among the Chinese public. As an online protest against the harsh policy gained momentum, Caixin magazine's former editor-in-chief wrote on his WeChat timeline, "We feel humiliated not only because we're the victims of bullying but because we don't dare to fight back." Just before the CCP congress that will extend Xi's power to the third term, banners unfurled on the Sitong overpass in the district of Haidian, calling for an end to the lockdown and the overthrow of Xi. "We Want Reform, not a Cultural Revolution. We Want Freedom, not lockdowns. We Want Votes, not a leader. We Want Dignity, not Lies. We are Citizens, not slaves," it reads.

这一史无前例的抗议行动凸显出中国老百姓对民主重要性的认识。 而西方国家公民所享受的自由和民主形成鲜明对比,进一步助长了老百姓的民主意识。在加拿大,疫情限制措施的抗议者们在近期就联邦政府打压行为的公众听证会上将有机会发表自己的心声,倍显在民主制度下当局权利的局限性和对各人权利和自由的尊重。

The unprecedented protests have highlighted the Chinese people's growing awareness of the importance of democracy. The liberty and freedom enjoyed by their Western counterparts have drawn a sharp contrast, fueling the growth of that awareness. In Canada, Covid restriction protestors who faced a government crackdown had the opportunity to have their voice heard in a recent public inquiry, underscoring the respect for individuals' fundamental rights in a democratic system.


China’s zero covid campaign has a silver lining: it has helped citizens to see the regime's true colors and the value of democracy.




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