Opinion: Cheap rental market in the 1990s made our homeownership a reality
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
90年代初,我和我先生是多伦多的低收入户,对年入不足$30,000 的家庭来说 而购房也是可望不可即的梦想。但由于房租市场价格低廉,几年后在多伦多购房居然成为了现实。

In the early 1990s, I lived in Toronto with my husband in a low-income family. With an annual income of less than $30,000, homeownership seemed a lofty dream. But a few years of living as a tenant made our purchasing a home in Toronto a reality – thanks to the cheap rental market back then.
A one-bedroom apartment cost around $600 in 1993. We got a much cheaper deal with the landlord for working part-time as a janitor in a low-rise apartment building, reducing the rent to $150 for a two-bedroom apartment (about $314 now). Three years later, we saved a down payment for a condo unit in downtown Toronto, marking the beginning of our homeownership journey. The soaring home equity provided a solid foundation for our financial success, paving the path for an investment property a few years later that made us a landlord.

但由于移民涌入和租房供应有限,多伦多的平均租金在过去迅速飙升。 3 月份,Rentals.ca 上的一居室单元的加国平均租金为 $1,752 元,而多伦多的平均租金为 $2,501 元,是 1990 年代租房市场价的四倍多。
But average rent in Toronto has soared quickly over the past, due to an influx of immigrants and a limited rental supply. A one-bedroom unit hit $1,752 on a national basis in March on Rentals.ca, where Toronto fetched $2,501, more than quadruple the market price in the 1990s.
如今的房租市场租金之高使许多新移民难有余钱积攒购房首付。 一项住房负担能力调查发现,只有 37% 的年轻成年受访者表示,他们在扣除房租和开支后还有资金积攒首付。 27% 的人说有时可以攒些存款,而36% 的人说交了房租后根本没法钱存钱买房。
The rental market today makes it prohibitively expensive for many newcomers to save a down payment. A housing affordability survey found that just 37 percent of young adult respondents said they had enough money left over after rent and expenses to save regularly for a down payment. Twenty-seven percent were able to save now and then, and 36 percent said there was no money left after rent to save for a home.

飙升的租金不仅阻碍了租房者进入住房市场,还让他们入不敷出,难以维持生计。 安大略省 60% 的租房者表示,他们不得节衣缩食来支付房租。
The soaring rent has not only prevented renters from entering the housing market but also made it difficult for them to make ends meet. 60% of renters in Ontario say they have to cut back on food to pay rent.
尽管人们呼吁并努力给房租市场降温,但却没有太多的解决办法。 租金管制是一个备受争议的政治话题,其支持者认为这是解决席卷多伦多租房可负担危机的必要政策,但反对者表示,这将造成租房供应进一步短缺,从而加剧租房危机,从长远角度对控制房租不利。
Despite the calls and efforts to dampen the rental market fire engulfing the city, solutions are limited. Rent control is a hotly contested political issue. While advocates believe it is a necessary policy to address the affordability crisis engulfing the city, the opponents say it would cause long-term harm by creating further shortages of rental supply, fueling the crisis.

我的房客是一家 7 口来自罗马尼亚的难民。 靠这对夫妇打零工所赚取的最低工资收入维持的家庭是多伦多严重租房负担危机的典型受害者。 他们的困境时不时让我们想起以往做房客的艰难时光,出于同情我们多年来一直没有涨房租。 但这种同情心在飙升的抵押贷款利率和房屋维护成本前也备受制约。
My tenant is a family of 7 refugees from Romania. With the couple taking odd jobs and earning a minimum wage income, they are a typical family hit by the raging affordability crisis. We’ve capped the rent increases for several years, out of sympathy for their financial struggles that remind us of our past. But the surging mortgage rate and maintenance cost has made the rental freeze increasingly difficult.
作为已经爬到房产阶梯顶层的婴儿潮一代,我们为的千禧一代成年子女提供免费住所不收房租,使他们得以避免支付昂贵的租金,从而能较顺利地在多伦多踏上购屋置业之旅。 这一举动也是我们为了缩小代际住房不平等,回馈最佳的住房年代带给我们的优厚礼物的一份心意。

As baby boomers that have reached the upper rung of the housing ladder, we offer my millennium adult children a free residence in my house – so they could save the costly rental expenses to have a smooth start into their homeowner journey. We gave out the freebie as an effort to narrow the generational housing inequity, returning the favor that the best housing era offered to us baby boomers.

In the early 1990s, I lived in Toronto with my husband in a low-income family. With an annual income of less than $30,000, homeownership seemed a lofty dream. But a few years of living as a tenant made our purchasing a home in Toronto a reality – thanks to the cheap rental market back then.
A one-bedroom apartment cost around $600 in 1993. We got a much cheaper deal with the landlord for working part-time as a janitor in a low-rise apartment building, reducing the rent to $150 for a two-bedroom apartment (about $314 now). Three years later, we saved a down payment for a condo unit in downtown Toronto, marking the beginning of our homeownership journey. The soaring home equity provided a solid foundation for our financial success, paving the path for an investment property a few years later that made us a landlord.

但由于移民涌入和租房供应有限,多伦多的平均租金在过去迅速飙升。 3 月份,Rentals.ca 上的一居室单元的加国平均租金为 $1,752 元,而多伦多的平均租金为 $2,501 元,是 1990 年代租房市场价的四倍多。
But average rent in Toronto has soared quickly over the past, due to an influx of immigrants and a limited rental supply. A one-bedroom unit hit $1,752 on a national basis in March on Rentals.ca, where Toronto fetched $2,501, more than quadruple the market price in the 1990s.
如今的房租市场租金之高使许多新移民难有余钱积攒购房首付。 一项住房负担能力调查发现,只有 37% 的年轻成年受访者表示,他们在扣除房租和开支后还有资金积攒首付。 27% 的人说有时可以攒些存款,而36% 的人说交了房租后根本没法钱存钱买房。
The rental market today makes it prohibitively expensive for many newcomers to save a down payment. A housing affordability survey found that just 37 percent of young adult respondents said they had enough money left over after rent and expenses to save regularly for a down payment. Twenty-seven percent were able to save now and then, and 36 percent said there was no money left after rent to save for a home.

飙升的租金不仅阻碍了租房者进入住房市场,还让他们入不敷出,难以维持生计。 安大略省 60% 的租房者表示,他们不得节衣缩食来支付房租。
The soaring rent has not only prevented renters from entering the housing market but also made it difficult for them to make ends meet. 60% of renters in Ontario say they have to cut back on food to pay rent.
尽管人们呼吁并努力给房租市场降温,但却没有太多的解决办法。 租金管制是一个备受争议的政治话题,其支持者认为这是解决席卷多伦多租房可负担危机的必要政策,但反对者表示,这将造成租房供应进一步短缺,从而加剧租房危机,从长远角度对控制房租不利。
Despite the calls and efforts to dampen the rental market fire engulfing the city, solutions are limited. Rent control is a hotly contested political issue. While advocates believe it is a necessary policy to address the affordability crisis engulfing the city, the opponents say it would cause long-term harm by creating further shortages of rental supply, fueling the crisis.

我的房客是一家 7 口来自罗马尼亚的难民。 靠这对夫妇打零工所赚取的最低工资收入维持的家庭是多伦多严重租房负担危机的典型受害者。 他们的困境时不时让我们想起以往做房客的艰难时光,出于同情我们多年来一直没有涨房租。 但这种同情心在飙升的抵押贷款利率和房屋维护成本前也备受制约。
My tenant is a family of 7 refugees from Romania. With the couple taking odd jobs and earning a minimum wage income, they are a typical family hit by the raging affordability crisis. We’ve capped the rent increases for several years, out of sympathy for their financial struggles that remind us of our past. But the surging mortgage rate and maintenance cost has made the rental freeze increasingly difficult.
作为已经爬到房产阶梯顶层的婴儿潮一代,我们为的千禧一代成年子女提供免费住所不收房租,使他们得以避免支付昂贵的租金,从而能较顺利地在多伦多踏上购屋置业之旅。 这一举动也是我们为了缩小代际住房不平等,回馈最佳的住房年代带给我们的优厚礼物的一份心意。

As baby boomers that have reached the upper rung of the housing ladder, we offer my millennium adult children a free residence in my house – so they could save the costly rental expenses to have a smooth start into their homeowner journey. We gave out the freebie as an effort to narrow the generational housing inequity, returning the favor that the best housing era offered to us baby boomers.