

Opinion: Lewiston Mass Shooting Fuels Canadians’ Fear Over Growing Threat of American-Style Gun Violence
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
当缅因州Lewiston的大规模枪击事件的受害者被送往医院时, 枪击受害者身体所呈现的由半自动突击步枪发射的高速子弹造成的大量的巨型创伤令医生们震惊。创伤外科King 医生说,在他职业生涯中从未见过如此严重的子弹创伤。King说:“更让人揪心的受害者身体上出现的非'子弹轨迹'创伤......这些子弹经常会击中人的骨头,将其击得粉碎,而这些碎骨本身会变成子弹,使受害者经历更严重的创伤。”


When the victims of the recent mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine were sent to the hospital in Maine, the destructive nature of the killing left the attending doctors in shock. The high-velocity rounds from the semiautomatic assault rifle created massive amount of gaping holes, causing sobering injuries that doctor King, trauma surgeon wasn’t accustomed to seeing. “Even more problematic is they can destroy parts of the body beyond "the bullet track," King said.  “Often these rounds will hit bone, shatter bone, and the bone itself becomes a missile or projectile.”

在那个宁静和平和的周三晚上,用来在保龄球馆和当地酒吧滥杀无辜,并造成18人死,13人伤的武器是配有高威力的.308加长弹匣和一个瞄准镜的Ruger SFAR。在美国,已经发生了多起使用这种杀伤力强,且被军事狙击和大型猎物手所青睐之武器的恶性枪击事件。

The gun that investigators believe was used to kill 18 people and wound 13 others at a bowling alley and a local bar at a balmy and peaceful Wednesday night was a Ruger SFAR, chambered for high-powered .308 ammunition and with an extended magazine and a scope. In the US, there have been multiple high-profile shootings involving the powerful firearm favored by military snipers and big game hunters.

美国缅因州因其宽松的枪支法律而著称,它对袭击式枪支毫无监管,并允许居民和非居民在极端例外情况下携带隐秘枪支而无需许可证。犯罪现场所收缴的武器是由一名精神病患者Robert Card合法购买的,购枪日期则为他被送往医院并被强迫接受精神鉴定的几天前。ABC新闻报道称,Card在杀人事件的三个月前曾试图为所使用枪支购买消音器,不言而喻,他的成功购置则会导致更大规模的枪击行为。而幸运的是,他在购枪时承认为精神病医院病患,使得当地售强人员拒绝了他的购枪要求。

Known for its liberal gun laws, Maine does not regulate assault-style weapons and allows residents and non-residents alike to carry concealed firearms without a permit, with very limited exceptions. The weapons recovered at the crime scene appeared to have been purchased legally by Robert Card, a mental health patient, just days before he was hospitalized and ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. According to ABC News, Card tried to buy a silencer for a rifle three months before the killings, which could have caused more deadly casualties. Fortunately his self incriminating act of identifying himself as a patient to a mental health institution had led the local gun store staff to reject his purchasing request.


Lax gun control measures in America can cause direct repercussions in its neighbouring country Canada, which bans most types of assault rifles. Maine also became the best source of the firearms used in the most deadly mass shooting in Canada.

在2020年,一名假牙技师Gabriel Wortman使用半自动步枪在新斯科舍省的乡村地区大开杀戮13小时之久,造成22人死亡。Wortman从缅因州Houlton走私了三把半自动步枪。他从缅因一名老友那里获得了一把作为礼物的枪支,又从那位朋友的家中偷走了一把,并在该镇上的一个枪支展览会后用现金购买了一把高功率的步枪。但Wortman 所获枪支仅是冰山一角,执法机构指出,今年夏天在多伦多查获的大多数犯罪枪支都是从美国走私到加拿大的。

In 2020, Gabriel Wortman, a denturist, went on a shooting spree in rural Nova Scotia with a semi-automatic rifle, taking the lives of 22 people over a 13-hour period. Wortman smuggled three semi-automatic rifles from Maine. He received one as a gift from a longtime friend in Houlton, Maine, took another from the same friend's home, and bought a high-powered rifle with cash after attending a local gun show. However, the guns Wortman acquired were merely the tip of the iceberg. Law enforcement agencies highlighted that the majority of firearms involved in crimes and seized in Toronto that summer had been smuggled into Canada from the US.


But Maine, the state that shares 18 official entry points with New Brunswick and a further six with Quebec, poses a significant threat of gun violence to Canada beyond just supplying firearms to perpetrators.

在发现卡德的尸体之前的一则新闻令人不寒而栗,手持具强杀伤力武器的残忍杀手Card曾被发现在距离加拿大边界约3.5小时的地方活动, 这让加拿大新不伦瑞克的圣斯蒂芬镇处于高度警戒状态。美国官员加强了与圣斯蒂芬镇相邻的缅因州卡莱斯镇的安全措施,而加拿大当局向圣斯蒂芬镇的居民发布了“警戒: 持枪并极具危险性”之警报。

Before Card’s body was discovered, the terrifying news broke out that a gruesome killer with a powerful assault rife in hand was found around 3.5 hrs away from the Canadian border. The town of St. Stephen , New Brunswick was on high alert. The U.S. officers heightened security measures in its neighbouring town Calais, Maine, while Canadian authorities issued “Armed and Dangerous – Firearms lookout” alert to St. Stephen residents.
