美国最高法院推翻罗诉韦德案(Roe v. Wade)的裁决,在美国引发了关于“支持女性生育选择”(pro-choice)与“反对堕胎”(pro-life)的激烈争论,并使这一问题成为全美关注的焦点。副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯在总统竞选活动中对堕胎权利激情倡导将这场辩论推向高潮。对很多人来说,这场争论象征着女性自主权与政府机构干涉女性生育之间的激烈博弈。同时,这场角逐让我回忆起几十年前的亲身经历,思绪也回到了我所目睹的截然不同的妇女生育政策——从中国计划生育政策中隐含的优生色彩,到加拿大土著女性被强制绝育的令人震惊的现实。
The overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court sparked a heated debate between pro-choice and pro-life advocates, pushing the issue to the forefront of national discourse. The debate reached its fever pitch during Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign, where she passionately advocated for abortion rights. For many, it represented a battle over women’s autonomy and the state’s role in shaping reproductive choices. Yet, as I watched these debates unfold, my thoughts turned to my own experiences decades ago and the starkly different landscapes of reproductive rights I’ve witenessed—from the eugenic undertones of China’s one-child policy to the shocking stories of Indigenous women forcibly sterilized in Canada.
In China, where I spent much of my early life decades ago, reproductive rights were never a personal choice. Under the one-child policy, the government controlled family planning with an iron fist, often mandating abortions or sterilizations to enforce compliance. The policy carried eugenic undertones, particularly in its expectation for families to produce the “perfect” child—healthy, intelligent, and capable of contributing to the nation’s prosperity. Families faced immense pressure to conform, with disabilities or health conditions often viewed as burdens. For women, this meant enduring invasive and dehumanizing interventions, from forced abortions to mandatory IUD insertions immediately after childbirth. The policy’s impact was both deeply personal and profoundly systemic, shaping not only family structures but also societal attitudes toward reproductive rights.
当我移居加拿大时,加国对妇女生育选择权的尊重令我感到震惊。在我的第一次怀孕期间,产前血夜检测曾显误阳性,即唐氏综合症指标误显增高。得到这一检测结果后,我却获得了各类医生的理解和支持。遗传咨询师强调,我有权决定是否继续妊娠或堕胎,并向我保证,无论我选择如何,以及无论出生的婴儿是否患唐氏综合征都会得到医生及社会的理解和尊重。这一经历让我耳目一新,与我在中国目睹的优胜政策形成了鲜明对比: 加拿大是如此尊重个人主权,支持妇女选择,并同时提供资源为残疾的儿童提供保障。然而,加拿大却出现土著女性却被强制绝育的现象 ,且其手段甚至比中国强制植入节育环强制措施更为残忍。这一现状彻底动摇了我对加拿大保护妇女权益,捍卫妇女生育主权的看法。
When I moved to Canada, I was struck by the country’s approach to personal reproductive choices. During my first pregnancy, I received support and understanding after a false positive blood test result indicated an elevated risk for Down syndrome. The genetic counselor emphasized that I had the freedom to decide whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy, assuring me that my choice would be respected without judgment. This eye-opening experience stood in stark contrast to the rigid control I had witnessed in China. Here, autonomy was celebrated, and resources were available to support children with disabilities. Yet, this perception of Canada as a bastion of reproductive rights was challenged when I learned of the forced sterilizations inflicted on Indigenous women—a practice that goes beyond China’s invasive IUD mandates.
The stories of Indigenous women, stripped of their reproductive autonomy in a country that champions human rights, are a chilling reminder that systemic discrimination knows no borders. These women were sterilized without consent, often while recovering from childbirth in hospitals. The government’s historical and ongoing violations expose a painful hypocrisy: while advocating for personal freedoms on a global stage, Canada has failed to protect its own marginalized communities from such egregious abuses. The survivors’ stories resonate deeply, showing that reproductive control—whether enforced through policy, as in China, or through systemic racism, as in Canada—has long been a tool of oppression.
与此同时,美国关于堕胎权的争论已达到白热化程度。近期的总统选举成为这场争论的战场,支持选择权(pro-choice)的一方强调女性自主权,而反对堕胎(pro-life)的一方则将堕胎问题框定为道德议题。在更广泛的全球范围内,这种两极分化回归于是由国家还是个体决定生育选择的激烈争辩。然而,这场辩论远非理论上的探讨,而是影响着数百万女性的安危福祉。美国最高法院推翻罗诉韦德案(Roe v. Wade)的裁决,导致许多州颁布严格的堕胎法律,大幅限制了女性获得生育医疗服务的机会,并迫使无数育龄女性在各州支离破碎的政策体系中艰难应对,苦苦挣扎。
Meanwhile, in the U.S., the debate over abortion rights has reached a fever pitch. The recent election served as a battleground for these deeply held beliefs, with pro-choice advocates emphasizing women’s autonomy and pro-life supporters framing abortion as a moral issue. This polarization mirrors the broader global struggle over who holds the power to decide: the individual or the state. The debate, however, is far from theoretical—it has tangible implications for millions of women. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has already led to restrictive abortion laws in many states, affecting access to reproductive healthcare and forcing countless women to navigate a patchwork of policies.
My journey, like that of many other women, as a mother highlights the stark contrasts between these systems—one imposing rigid control, another grappling with a divisive debate over autonomy, and yet another exposing profound inequities faced by marginalized communities. As we look to the future, it becomes clear that the fight for reproductive justice is not just about choice—it is about respect, equality, and the universal right to autonomy.