

Opinion (Chinese-English) I Watched Trump's Inauguration with Sadness
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)


On January 20, 2025, I watched Donald Trump take the presidential oath with mixed emotions, burdened by the reality that a convicted felon was returning to the White House. His inauguration speech painted a bleak portrait of America—one of decline and chaos—while promising to "Make America Great Again" at all costs. Trump’s aggressive trade policies, including proposed 25% tariffs on Canadian imports, and his unwavering commitment to fossil fuels—"drill, baby, drill!"—have sparked widespread concerns about the potential for profound disruptions to America’s economy, supply chains, and alliances.


Trump’s re-election represents the culmination of decades of discontent festering in communities left behind by globalization, automation, and the evolving priorities of the Democratic Party. Nowhere is this more evident than in Jefferson County, Texas, where the decline of the oil industry has triggered both economic hardship and political realignment.

几十年来,这个墨西哥湾沿岸的县城一直是民主党的堡垒,石油和天然气行业的工会是其牢牢的根基,民主党一度被视为劳工权益和工人阶级的捍卫者。然而,随着环保问题逐渐成为民主党政策的优先事宜,这种局面开始发生改变。2021年,拜登总统签署行政命令, 将拱心石XL石油管道项目叫停。这一决定让德州东南部居民目瞪口呆。对当地工人来说,这哪里是个环保措施,简直就是直接向他们的生存技能打脸。

For decades, this Gulf Coast county was a Democratic stronghold, powered by unionized workers in the oil and gas industries. The party was once seen as the champion of labor rights and the working class. But that began to change when environmental concerns became a dominant policy priority. In 2021, President Joe Biden signed an executive order halting the Keystone XL pipeline—a move that reverberated across southeast Texas. For local workers, this was more than an environmental measure; it was an existential threat to their livelihoods.


“When you start talking about messing with oil or natural gas in Texas—even in southeast Texas, with the highest union density in the state—you’re saying, ‘I don’t want you to eat,’” said Jeff Darby, a prominent local union leader, reflecting the deep sense of betrayal felt by many workers. While the Biden administration made symbolic gestures toward organized labor, such as walking a picket line, these efforts felt hollow when juxtaposed with policies that seemed to disregard the economic realities of the very people Democrats once championed.


The failure to balance environmental priorities with compassion for workers’ economic security created fertile ground for Trump’s radical and shortsighted policies to gain traction. Communities that had supported Democrats for generations turned to Trump—not out of wholehearted agreement with his vision, but out of frustration with a system that had failed to address their struggles. By overlooking the economic hardships faced by fossil fuel-dependent communities, Democrats left a void that Trump exploited with his “drill, baby, drill” rhetoric—a slogan that blatantly ignores the catastrophic consequences of greenhouse gas emissions while offering a simplistic and unsustainable solution to complex challenges.


Trump’s re-election seems poised to bring far-reaching consequences that extend well beyond environmental concerns. His proposed 25% tariff on Canadian imports—a reckless and damaging policy—threatens to unravel decades of cross-border collaboration that have been fundamental to North America's economic prosperity. This troubling move highlights the broader challenges facing America’s democracy, undermining the principles of cooperation and fairness that have long been associated with its democratic values.


As I watched Trump escort Joe Biden to the helicopter following his inauguration, a profound sense of sadness weighed on me. Trump proclaimed this moment as the dawn of a "golden era" for America, but to me, it signaled the start of a darker chapter. With his administration now poised to implement its agenda, a crucial question emerges: Can the nation uphold its commitment to democracy, environmental sustainability, and the global trade partnerships that have been the foundation of its prosperity? Or will Trump’s disruptive policies erode these pillars, undermining the very values and systems that have sustained America's success on the world stage?




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