
下周重要新闻推荐 07-09-02


Xuelong making first voyage through Canada’s Northwest Passage
声称进行科学研究的中国雪龙号破冰船获得加国批准,将首航驶入加国的北极通道。 利用这条快捷水上通道进行货物运输可为中国运输业节省大量开支带来丰厚利润, 而此次航行似乎是中国欲建立“冰上丝绸之路”的宏伟计划的一部分。但对一贯强调其西北通道的领权的渥太华来说,中国欲利用该通道进行货运则是对加国领土权的伤害。
With China’s claims to conduct scientific research, Ottawa has given the greenlight to Xuelong, China’s research icebreaker to its first ever voyage through Arctic Passage. But the journey appears to be part of China’s broader effort to build a “Silk Road on Ice”, taking advantage of the lucrative passage that provides a shorter and faster route for cargo delivery. However, with Ottawa’s strong claims that the passage is Canada’s internal waters, China’s keen interest in shipping the good through the strait is seen as the erosion of Canada’s sovereignty.

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Ontario new rules discourage landlords unlawfully evict tenants
To discourage landlords’ attempt to make more lucrative deals by unlawfully evicting tenants, Ontario has rolled out new measures that give tenants more protections. Under the new rule being effective Friday, if the landlord advertises, re-rents or demolishes/converts the unit within one year, she or he will be considered to have acted in bad faith, unless they can prove otherwise and could face a fine of up to $25,000.


Hearing to ease bail conditions for controversial Omar Khadar postponed
Requested for adjournment by the Crown, a hearing to determine whether bail conditions for former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr can be eased did not go ahead as planned and was postponed to Sept 15. The eased bai conditions would allow Khadar unsupervised visits with his controversial sister, who and her mother infuriated many Canadians by expressing support for the al-Qaida terrorist group. Khadar has received $10.5 million settlement for his lawsuit against the Canadian government, which has sparked sharp and divisive debate among Canadians over terrorism, human rights and the rule of law.



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