
下周重要新闻推荐 07-10-07

How to treat war veterans is a measure of a country

Nancy Jin

Lionel Desmond, an infantry soldier in Afghanistan war, gunned down his wife, daughter and mother, before killing himself 10 months after he was released from the army.  Desmond was only one of the significant numbers of returning veterans suffering post-traumatic disorder and facing a slew of life challenges – from relationship breakdowns to unemployment. The issue has sparked widespread concerns over the lack of sufficient care and support for soldiers deployed to wars – one of the most violent and cruelty forms of human conflicts.    

Regardless of whether the ideology of war can be justified, soldiers fighting the wars have earned respect for their heroic actions in serving their country’s needs. How to look after its soldiers who have fought in the war -- years after the shouting on the bloody battlefields died and the flags were pulled down-- is a measure of the country. Veterans need help and support to cope with a complex set of challenges and get their life back on track after returning home. 

当加美政府对待老兵的问题在两国引起高度关注和严厉批评之际,这一问题却在中国成为禁忌话题,许多中国上战老兵已成为被遗忘角落,而献给1979年中越战争的电影《芳华》却在中国国庆长假前遭禁演。 这些中国士兵在27天的殊死搏斗中为一场至今都成为禁忌话题的战争奉献出自己的青春和生命。而那些从中方死亡人数高达21万到63万的战役中活下来的老兵们却面临者被抛弃和遗忘的残酷现实。在中国老兵过去数年中对北京政府进行抗议,要求政府提供得以养家糊口的补贴的背景之下,这部以青春为题材,纪念芳华年代的越战士兵们的影片却遭残酷撤档和再也无法和观众们见面!
At the time when the treatment of soldiers in Canada and US has drawn heightened scrutiny and sparked fierce criticisms, the issue has been silenced in China and many war veterans are left forgotten. Chinese movie Youth giving tribute to veterans of the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war was banned in China prior to its national holiday season. The Chinese soldiers went through 27 days of hell to fight in a war that until now has been a strictly taboo topic in China. With between 21,000 and 63,000 estimated died, those who returned home has faced a brutal reality of abandonment and neglection. Against a backdrop of protests staged in Beijing in past years by some war veterans, demanding meager compensations to make ends meet, a coming-of-age drama about people making peace with the past has failed censorship in China and is not allowed to see the light of day. 



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