
下周重要新闻推荐 07-10-21

《大中报》读者10年前曾获得Sears 皇家待遇 
Chinese News reader got royal treatment by Sears 10 years ago

随着加拿大西尔斯零售巨头的销售额迅速下滑,西尔斯在经过65年的运营之后将面临寿终正寝之命运。近年来,众多客户对该店的负面评论,以及对低品质客服的投诉充斥互联网,也频频成为媒体头条。而客户的不满之声也随着西尔斯将进入了将关闭所有分店的财产清算程序而日益加剧。 客户们说:“西尔斯根本不在乎客户的感受!”

Facing a rapid decline in sales, Sears Canada will meet its demise after 65 years in business. The store has received lousy customer reviews in recent years, and complaints about poor quality of customer service flood the internet and make the media headlines. The customers’ dissatisfaction seems to gather momentum as the retailer enters a liquidation process that will soon wipe out all remaining stores across the country. “Sears never cares!” customers say.

然而,西尔斯这一零售名牌也拥有其辉煌时期,那时它视客户为上帝,对客户不满关切备至。本报记者Nancy Jin回忆起一段曾代表读者的利益与西尔斯打交道的工作经历。当时她曾因读者在西尔斯Fairview Mall分店被征收退货开箱费而联系了媒体关系部。当时西尔斯对客户投诉非常重视,详细解释了征收开箱费原因和他们的退款政策。Jin表示, “与今天消费者对西尔斯的失望及不满相比,这位读者在当时获得了皇室待遇!”。

But the iconic brand had its golden era when it valued customers’ concerns and treated them as king. Nancy Jin, a reporter with this paper, recalls a job experience when she contacted the retailer on behalf of a reader – who was dissatisfied over a restocking fee he was charged by the Fairview Mall store.  Sears took the complaint very seriously and went above and beyond to explain the reasons behind the charges, as well as their refund policy. “Comparing with the bad reviews and consumers’ frustrations towards Sears today, the reader got royal treatment back then,” says Jin.



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