

来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

Why was he unable to get bereavement air ticket?


Should travel agencies pass the entire bereavement discount from the airline to its customers? As Nancy Jin reports, the Chinese News reader believes that making profits on customer vulnerabilities is an unethical business practice.



The passing of a parent in China could cause emotional distress to a grieving son, leaving him scrambing to find a last-minute flight to attend memorial services back in China. Empathetic to the mourning passengers, some airlines offer bereavement fair to those traveling on a short notice for a death in the family.

奔丧票价(Bereavement Fairs)通常会比全价票有所折扣,不过并非所有航空公司都提供奔丧票价。在丧亲之痛之余还要满处询价无疑对奔丧之子来说是以额外负担,因此如果旅行社能帮助他们获得航空公司提供的奔丧票价,他们定会感激不尽。

Bereavement fairs are usually offered with a discount off the full fair, and are not provided by all airlines. But searching for the best travel options can be an extra burden to those in deep emotional pain, and they would be grateful if a travel agency can help them look around and find the bereavement fair from the airline.


Most travel agencies would be happy to provide such assistances without making a profit, but with the exception of few.


Mr. Xie contacted a travel agency in Toronto in early Dec. 2013, when the news of his father’s death broke. Deeply saddened by the loss of his father, Xie told the travel agency that he had to fly back immediately to China due to his father’s passing.

从未有过此类经历的谢并不知道航空公司还提供奔丧票价。他快速的搜索了互联网,发现圣诞节期间回国的票价都非常高,大部分票价都在$2600 - $2900元之间。

First-time experiencing a death of a family member in China, Xie wasn’t aware that bereavement fair was provided from airlines. He quickly searched the internet, and found that the air fares were extremely high at the Christmas season – most of them were around $2600-$2900.

所以当他被旅行社告知可以拿到$ 2450的票价的时候,他以为这就是最低价,并同意接受了这一价格。

So when he was told by the travel agency that he could get a fair price at $2450, he believed it was the lowest, and agreed to take it.

但直到谢今年初返回加拿大后,他才了解到加拿大航空公司(Air Canada)为乘客提供奔丧票价。他的一个朋友在九月份其父亲突然离世后,通过旅行社(Flight Network)从加拿大航空公司购到奔丧机票。

It wasn’t until after Xie returned to Canada early this year did he become aware that Air Canada offered the bereavement fair to passengers. One of his friends bought bereavement ticket from Air Canada after his father died -- through the assistance from a travel agency --.Flight Network.

据谢的朋友描述,该旅行社Flight Network为他购得加拿大航空公司提供的$ 1721的奔丧票价,尽管当时市场价格比此票价高出许多。也就是说,该旅行社将全部奔丧折扣反给了他,并未从中获得任何利润。

According to the friend of Xie, the agency, Flight Network, secured an Air Canada’s bereavement fair for him at the price of $1721, despite the much higher market price at the time of his travel. In another words, the travel agency had passed the whole bereavement discount to him, without making any profits.


Xie immediately contacted Air Canada through an email requesting for a refund of the bereavement discount.


A few days later, Air Canada’s refund office responded to him that it had already offered him a bereavement fair at the time of ticketing:


 “Please accept our condolences on your recent loss… Our review of your file has confirmed that… you received a fare which is equal to the compassionate fare for the routing which was traveled. As a result, there is no refund value.”

邮件的附件显示的售票收据是$ 1721

Attached to the email was a copy of the ticket receipt showing the price of $1721.


Xie was shocked – it wasn’t the price that his agency had offered to him and he paid a fair with much higher price. Apparently, Air Canada offered this deeply discounted price to him after they had learned about his father’s death from the travel agency, but the agent did not pass on the entire discount to him.

谢指控说:“他们(旅行社)没有把我能拿到奔丧票价的信息告诉我….当得知我是因为我父亲去世而购票回国后,他们询问了我父亲的名字…. 我当时还没有搞清目的为何。很明显他们是利用我父亲的去世而获取奔丧票价的利润。”

“They (the travel agency) didn’t tell me that I was eligible for the bereavement fair at all… After learning that I was buying the ticket due to my father’s death, they asked the name of my father… I was wondering why at the time. “It was apparent that they want to use that information to get the bereavement discount for their own benefits, ” alleged Xie.


“And they did it, without my acknowledgement and consent.”


Xie’s efforts to seek refund seemed to hit the stone wall – the agency refused to offer any refund.

谢又向处理消费者对安省旅行社的投诉的安省旅游委员会TICO (The Travel Industry Council of Ontario) 提出投诉。在TICO调查中,谢的代理人承认在得知谢是因死亡奔丧后,替他申请了奔丧票价,但同时强调谢欣然接受了旅行社当时提供的比市场价低 $488元的票价。

Xie also filed a complaint with TICO, the industry regulator that accepts consumers’ complaint against travel agencies in Ontario. During TICO’s investigation, the agency told TICO that it did apply for bereavement discount for Xie, after learning his father’s death. But it maintained that Xie had happily accepted the price they offered to him, which was $488 cheaper than the market price.


In an email sent to Xie, the manger of the agency wrote in English:“The day you got the ticket, you accepted the price, but for what type of fare we were using you don't have to know. So in this case, we don't have to do any refund.”


The complaint with TICO didn’t change the outcome: The travel agency refused to offer any refund.

The regulator says that Xie’s complaint was complicated and difficult to resolve, and found “it is difficult to determine what exactly transpired during the ticket booking process.”


“We can only state that… there may have been a misunderstanding and miscommunication between you and the travel agency … When such conflicting information obtained by TICO from the parties involved, it is difficult for us to address the issue…”


But what Xie is certain about is that had he bought the fair directly from Air Canada, or from agencies following the business moral standards, he would have paid $1721, instead of $2450 for the bereavement trip to China. 


“Taking advantage of customers’ vulnerability for profits is wrong, or unethical,” said Xie.”I hope that this type of business practice will not be accepted but despised in the community,” said Xie.







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